HomeTosiboxTroubleshootingKey needs to be formatted

2.2. Key needs to be formatted


Windows says the Key needs to be formatted before it can be used


If you frequently unplug your Key without using the "Exit and eject Key" menu option, the partition table of the device can be corrupted.

Recommended action

First, try using the Key on another USB port of the computer and on another computer to see if the problem follows the Key. If problems exist on one computer only, the computer drivers may need to be updated.

In case the Key seems to be failing, follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows Task Manager and by using Right Click “Stop” Tosibox Key Services under the “Services” Tab.
  2. Check that a backup of the Key files exists in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Tosibox Oy\TosiboxKey\token-xxxxx where xxxxx is the Key number.  If the directory does not exist skip to step 4.
  3. Copy the entire folder to another location for backup
  4. Format the Key as suggested by Windows (default format settings)
  5. After the format has completed, create a folder .tosibox on the Key flash drive (on Windows you need to name the folder “.tosibox.” i.e. dot-tosibox-dot, Windows will strip out the dot at the end)
  6. Using Notepad create a text file in the .tosibox folder and rename it "common_name"
  7. Open the text file and type token-XXXXX where XXXXX is the key number (disregard any letters preceding the key number).  Save the file and close.
  8. Using Windows File Explorer remove the .txt file extension. Ignore Windows complaints. 
    1. (In Windows 10 select the File Name Extensions feature from the View Menu.)
  9. Eject the Key
  10. Restart the Tosibox Key Services
  11. Reinsert the Key
  12. The Key software will copy the backup contents to the folder on the drive and the Key should be usable again.
  13. If necessary AND IF YOU HAVE THE PUK CODE associated with the key, input the password incorrectly until the Tosibox software requires you to create a new password using the PUK code.

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